I had a lovely birthday today. Thanks to my fantastic roommate who gave me a fresh box of Reese's Puffs.
And Ali who gave me a very nice necklace from her mom's store. And Shmam who created an incredible work of art just for me (aw shucks). And TK who bought me fresh-chesta for lunch ;] and the cajillion people who wished me a happy birthday on facebook. I love them all. (If you didn't, you're dead to me.) (Just kidding.) (Kind of.) And the girl who gave me my phone back. And the boy who decided to look really fine while he was sitting next to me. Yeah that was a plus.
Then I spent the evening at my cousin, Nanette's baby shower. I don't think I ever realized the word "cute" could be used so many times during a single event. But I enjoyed it. I have such a beautiful and talented family.As the cherry on top of a wonderful day, Trevor treated me to a midnight snack (uhh feast) of 50 chicken mcnuggets<3 (Don't be alarmed I only got down 15.) And he thoughtfully stuck a candle in one of them and lit it. :) I adore that boy.
Speaking of candles, it just came to my attention that I got to blow out 3 sets of candles and I didn't make a birthday wish for a single one of them. Do you think I still get one?