This morning when I woke up, I for the first time since I started spring term wished that working, going to class, studying, and running weren't the only things my days have consisted of for the last two weeks because I really wanted to post a new blog but didn't feel like I had anything to talk about.
As of about 3 hours ago, all that has changed. Allow me to share with the group.
I opened the door of the van to join my colleagues on the BYU Grounds pruning crew for the ride to our work location, and what should greet me but my coworker, Quinn, cutting my other coworker, Max's hair with a pair of office scissors, using a bowl as a guideline for the shape.
Apparently our foreman, Jared, promised Max 3 cake donuts to let Quinn cut his hair in the moving vehicle, and I guess Max couldn't turn down $1.50 worth of donuts. So now the floor of the van is covered in nappy man hair and Max's head looks like this:
I took a video of the actual event, but I guess the file was corrupted. The video of Max's initial reaction to his new haircut is almost as good, though.
Then we stopped at a stoplight which coincidentally was swarming with bees.
I don't know if someone smashed a hive or what, but there were bees everywhere smacking against all the windows. Luckily we had unknowingly exchanged our open windows for air conditioning only minutes prior. We were, in Jared's words, "in the middle of an incredible bee storm."
Anyway. I kind of like my job.