Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Valentine's Day never fails to ruin my February. Yes, the entire month. Every store has a big stupid display of heart-shaped goodies and corny stuffed animals as a gigantic reminder that you're desperately alone or that you're obligated to buy something for your significant other and it better be meaningful.

What a terrible principle to build a holiday around. If I'm in a relationship, I want him to do nice things for me because he wants to, not because he knows I expect it and he'll be getting the silent treatment and sleeping on the couch if he doesn't. I would gladly trade Valentine's Day for some extraordinary guy who spontaneously got me flowers just because it happened to be Wednesday and he figured I might need something to get me through the rest of the week or made me a really nice dinner just because at some point that day, I was able to make him think, "Wow. That girl is somethin' else." I realize this sort of thing doesn't occur to roughly 87.6% of guys (I don't hold it against you. You can't help your brain) thus presenting a primo opportunity for somebody to make money off of a holiday that gives them a chance to score some brownie points.

The fact is, this is a holiday for people who don't have any imagination or need a second chance to make up for forgetting their anniversary. But the way I see it, every day is another chance. There's absolutely no reason to wait for Valentine's Day to express your affection for someone.
Anyway,  I'm just saying. I refuse to participate. Except afterward, when the chocolate goes on sale.

On a side note, personal experience of the day: In my Book of Mormon class this morning, a girl was sitting in front of me and she had teased her hair so much  that I literally couldn't see the board. It was pretty amusing except that I really needed to see the board.


  1. I feel the EXACT same way about Valentine's Day. I've hated it since I was in the 6th grade. People think I'm a heartless person. But at least you and I know we have brains, even if we might not have hearts. Except we do.
