Also whenever I blog I have this temptation. The temptation is not to mention any events I don't have pictures of, and I usually succumb to it. How pathetic is it that in the back of our minds we seem to think that if it's not on Facebook and nobody knows about it, it didn't happen. Is that a variation of the "if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it.." conundrum? I don't know. But I've gotta snap out of it.
Here's what's been going down lately.
I finished up my seventh semester of college with decent grades. Not as good as they ought to have been with my measly course load, but whatever ok? Whatever.
Because my parents decided to go on a cruise for the holidays this year to celebrate their 30th anniversary (so selfish), I shipped off to Texas to spend Christmas with my brother, David, his wife, Ashley, my neice, and my nephew.
My time there was mostly spent reading a lot of stories and having a lot of tickle fights and cooking and disciplining and making sure small children didn't kill themselves or set the house on fire. I don't have many pictures to prove it. You'll just have to take my word for it that I have a life and that it's worthwhile and that the time I spent with my family was valuable.
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Oh, nothin. Just the faces of two boys on Christmas morning. |
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Sibling love |
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Malachi was sick my last day there. We snuggled. |
The day after Christmas, I traveled to Colorado to renew the yearly tradition of spending New Years with my old friends to whom I continue to devote a very special portion of my heart. As we have welcomed precious little lives into our circle over the past few years, I spent a lot of time getting to know them and seeing how they've grown. I made some new friends and caught up on the lives of my old ones. I ate a lot, I slept a lot, I read a lot. I did not work out a lot. This was partly because I was sick but mostly because I am a bum.
I wrapped the holiday season up right by getting asked out on a date by an older gentleman at the airport. Like, if i had to guess I'd probably say he was about 30, give or take some years or months or days. (I didn't get any pictures of this either.. You'll have to forgive me.) Apparently my mentioning that I go to BYU wasn't enough of a tip off that I am suuuuuuuuper Mormon. I told him going out for a cup of coffee probably wouldn't be the best date since I don't drink it, and he said, "oh, I guess that means you don't drink or go to bars or anything either, huh?" For some reason it didn't occur to me to tell him that I'm not even old enough to drink legally as it is... Yikes.
So here's to 2013! Cheers!
If you're interested, here are some of my goals/resolutions for the upcoming year:
-Run marathon #2
-Do my first triathlon
-Get married and have baby #1
Haha. I'm kidding. Totally kidding. Ok, mostly kidding.
-Turn in my mission papers. Not kidding.
-No carbonation. ALL year.
-Study throughout the semester instead of cramming at testtime. Yeah, you know what I'm talkin about
-Get to bed by 10pm on school nights.
-Read at least 1 recreational book/month while taking classes
-Take every opportunity presented to me to bear my testimony
P.S. Snuggle had puppies, and they're finally old enough to be a little fun :)
Oh, and we had a roommate photoshoot for our Christmas cards about a month ago. Here's a little bit of that. HUGE thanks to Alexis, whose talent is mesmerizing and astounding!!
I'm excited to be home with the ladies :) looking forward to a new semester and a new year!